Thursday, December 11, 2008

U learning or teaching

Ubiquitous Learning -
The Network for Information Exchange -
Referring Innovative Technologies and Solutions for Ubiquitous Learning
Either the advantagies or disadvantagies issues are welcome to discuss here.

PBL web learning

This colume is for us to share our ideas of Problem base learning or project base learning. Anything to do with:
1. Constructivism
2. Scaffolding Instruction or Instructional Scaffolding
3. PZD
4. WebQuest
are all welcome to talk here.

E-learning Strategy

Wants to tell us some thing about E-learning method, strategy or the process that is good to impliment into class teaching.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Please add your comments here

In order to help teachers in communication between countries, we created this teachers' blog. You are welcome to add anything thatrelated to our ENTERS project.

1. Tell us where we can find the related materials,
2. Where we can find the free resources,
3. Who are the possible paticipants to join our group,
4. What kind of activities that we can offer topromote the communication between schools, teachers, & students,

Comment postors need to have Google or Blogger user ID
Each of the viewer who wants to leave his note here need to have Google or Blogger user ID. The user ID contians your email & password. So if you want to leave your note, please get one account from google.